• Changes in requirements regarding the storage (storage) of substances and materials
    On the basis of the first part of paragraph 31, general fire safety requirements in the scope of maintenance and operation of capital structures (buildings, structures), isolated facilities and other facilities belonging to economic entities, approved by Presidential Decree of 23 November 2017 No. 7 "On the development of entrepreneurship"(hereinafter referred to as OTPB), storage of substances and materials should take place taking into account their state of aggregation, compliance of storage in a manner determined by the Ministry in emergency situations.
  • Broken noise: hygienic evaluation, protection and prevention of environments
    Due to the widespread introduction of high-performance equipment, the use of modern machines and tools in some cases at workplaces, noise levels may exceed the maximum acceptable hygiene standards (GOST 12.1.003-83 "SSBT"). Despite the use of effective methods and measures to reduce noise, work in some areas and at workshops is exposed to the harmful effects of noise and as a result causes fatigue and productivity decreases.
  • Features of job certification as part of the working conditions of medical employees
    The main regulatory legal acts regulating the approval of workplaces with regard to working conditions is the Regulation on the procedure of approving jobs regarding working conditions, approved by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 22 February 2008 No. 253 amendment and hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) as well as the Instruction on the assessment of working conditions in the approval of workplaces for working conditions, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus of 22 February 2008 No. 35 (amended).
  • Impossible may be possible
    This address is well known not only in our country, but also abroad. In the Belarusian center of prosthetic and orthopedic rehabilitation, people in the most difficult life situation help. At the beginning it was a modest workshop for the simplest rehabilitation measures for people with disabilities. Today, almost a century later, it is an institution that offers the disabled everything they need: from technical means to physical, psychological and social rehabilitation.
  • On the principles of industrial safety in drilling rigs
    Due to changes in legislation in the field of industrial safety, health and safety regulations regarding geological surveys, approved by the regulation of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, have lost their importance. Belarus of 5 July 2007 No. 71/64.
  • Planning work in the production of dairy products
    In order to create healthy and safe working conditions in the production of dairy products, attention should be paid to a number of requirements of regulatory legal acts, including technical legal acts regulating.
  • About vaccination of adult citizens of the Republic of Belarus
    The topic of childhood vaccination has always been important. However, adult vaccination is an equally important part of any preventive medicine. It should be noted that the main purpose of immunization is to create a person's immunity (resistance) to certain (mainly infectious) diseases by administering a vaccine, and to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases that may have a massive (active) distribution in the territory: countries, severe course, adverse effects and result.
  • The key principles of success
    It must be admitted that the protection of work in any enterprise depends directly on the level of organization of the business achieved. This again had to be visible in the factory of metal technological constructions in Novopolotsk.
  • Mobile control
    "Directive of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 1 on" Centers to strengthen public safety and discipline "is a comprehensive document, covers issues of labor protection, strengthening of work discipline, prevention of crime, promoting a healthy lifestyle" - said the head of the organizational and administrative department of the central poviat Minsk GV Skoda.
  • PPE lost or damaged
    In work with harmful and / or hazardous working conditions, as well as those related to pollution and (or) carried out under unfavorable temperature conditions, the employer, in accordance with art. 230 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter - TC), art. 17 of the Act of the Republic of Belarus "On labor protection" is obliged to provide free of charge to the employees of personal protective equipment (hereinafter "PPE"), in accordance with the procedure established by law.
  • About smoking at work
    Everyone knows that alcohol and safety at work are incompatible with each other. Therefore, the legislation in this area is uncompromising and categorical. Occurrence at work in the state of alcohol, narcotic or toxic intoxication, as well as drinking alcoholic beverages, use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogs, toxic substances during working hours or at the workplace is the basis for removal from work and possible subsequent dismissal from work initiative of the employer, even for the first such fact. But also cigarette smoke is no less dangerous - and not just for health. Unlit cigarettes can cause a fire in production and cause damage to the employer.

Oxpaнa труда и социальная защита (Work Safety and Social Protection) - full list