• Manager as a coach - supporting competence development Case study Philip Morris
    In a world where the only thing we can be sure of is change, competence development has become a priority issue for both individuals and organizations. It is not only the basis for achieving success, but most of all for survival on the market. With the changing and increasingly complex business environment, the role of managers is also evolving.
  • How to save 42 working days a year thanks to the analysis of indicators? Case study LC Elektronik
    Undoubtedly, the work of a managing director, company owner or manager requires a lot of commitment and skills from many different areas. A large part of the management team is chronically short of time due to subsequent tasks, the need to make decisions and new responsibilities. So what to do to simplify running your business and have more time to implement new operating strategies?
  • Patronage classes , dual education, increasing employee competences
    For several years now, we have witnessed the systematic development of industry in Poland, its modernization and GDP growth created by this industry. New industrial plants are constantly being built, and the existing ones are expanding, increasing their production capacity and looking for new employees. Unemployment in our country is at a low level - even in relation to other European Union countries - and one of the key problems for companies and production plants has been the deficit of employees for several years, including employees - specialists in a given field.
  • How to build an effective training system for production workers
    The development of production workers in today's dynamic times is the responsibility of all organizations. Both the small and the large ones. Unfortunately, it can be seen that training is often treated as a less important element of the entire production process, which is usually argued by the lack of time. In addition to this erroneous approach, devoting time to training only for team managers or production masters deserves criticism.
  • Burnout
    The subject of burnout is currently very often discussed due to the time of the pandemic. However, we most often hear about it in the perspective of employees who are employed in the so-called aid competitions. It is primarily the medical industry. The fact is that the specificity of their work greatly increases the risk of this syndrome. However, it is not without reason that it is said that occupational burnout is one of the civilization diseases of the 21st century.
  • Delivery sequences
    When taking components or products from the warehouse, we can come across a different number of them: from one to hundreds of thousands, and maybe even more. It all depends on the specifics of our production. Then the question may arise: what exactly should we download? In this article, I will introduce some strategies for selecting material for a photo from rack shelves.
  • Programmers in automation - how to compete with the IT industry?
    "Stable for programmers - salaries are rising" - says the title of the article by Wojciech Kulik from Benchmark.pl from January this year. The author analyzes the market report prepared by NoFluffJobs - a portal with job offers for IT specialists. The summary shows, inter alia, as much as a dozen or so percent increase in salaries year on year in this sector.
  • The most common mistakes of employers
    Most often we focus on what we are allowed to do - our rights - this applies to both employers and employees. However, it is much more important to know what we are not allowed to do. In this article, I will discuss the most common mistakes made by employers at the recruitment stage and in relation to already employed employees.
  • Managing production workers from the "Z" generation
    In order to effectively manage a production team, it is worth knowing what people work in it and what drives them. Many elements can help. One of them will be to recognize which generations are part of our team.
  • Generation X in production - how to manage it?
    The market is the answer to what the population needs. The population is made up of people and the individual needs of each person. If a need is duplicated in many people, it becomes a trend, it goes to the so-called mainstream. In turn if only a few people show a given need, then it disappears in the depths of history, unregistered.
  • The baby boomer generation - how to lead teams of workers in their 50s
    The aging of the population means an increasing burden on the health and pension systems, as well as the need to extend the period of professional activity. Several generations are currently operating on the labor market. The youngest of them is generation Z, which is just starting their adventure with work. The oldest generation are baby boomers - born between 1946 and 1964. The youngest of them are now 56 years old. Women of this age have four years left and men nine years until retirement. However, there will be more and more such people on the labor market. This means for companies - also in production - the need to prepare for hiring and managing older workers.

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