• Krakowski Holding Komunalny - tradition and modernity
    This year, 25 years have passed since the establishment of the Krakow Municipal Holding, which includes the following companies: Wodociągi Miasta Krakowa, Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej, Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne and Arena Krakow. 2021 is also the jubilee of the 5th anniversary of Ekospalarnia Kraków - one of the largest and most strategic Kraków investments in recent years.
  • Kozienice Commune - we work together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe
    On October 26, 2021, at the headquarters of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw, Mayor Piotr Kozłowski signed an agreement under the program "Environment, Energy and Climate Change of the European Area Financial Mechanism. Economic 2014-2021".
  • 3rd generation PV cells made of amorphous silicon (a-Si) built in the HJT technology
    In standard PV cells of the PERC type, n-type semiconductor layers are formed on the same base material, crystalline silicon, so they are homogeneous devices. On the other hand, heterojunction cells are manufactured by combining two different types of materials.
  • The principles of health impact assessment in the context of environmental protection
    The aim of the article is to present the essence and importance of health impact assessment, supporting investment decisions and the possibility of considering it as an inherent component of the environmental impact assessment in force in Poland. The definition and evaluation principles were introduced by the World Health Organization and developed, inter alia, by the European Union, but there is as yet no universal, statutory procedure for carrying out such an assessment (except in some countries). In Poland, some attempts are made in this area.
  • Prosumers
    This strange word was first used in 1980 by the American futurologist Alvin Toffler. It is a cross between "consumers" and "producers". Each of us produces a little and consumes a little. But it is mainly about the production and consumption of electricity. Although each of us uses electricity, only a few act as its producers. Meanwhile, everyone could potentially participate in production as well. If he was doing it for his own use, he wouldn't have to meet any conditions. If, however, he wanted to combine his production with electricity from the grid, the matter becomes complicated. Not only technical circumstances, but also economic conditions prevent the rapid development of this phenomenon.
  • New environmentalism in the age of environmental crisis
    Edward Wilson, the "father of biodiversity", proposes a complete change in our approach to diversity. He uses the term "new environmentalism" to describe a revolution in the way of thinking about biological nature conservation. Its aim is to develop new ways of obtaining an income from nature without killing it. Research undertaken in the tropical jungle shows that rational management of its resources generates more income than ruthless exploitation. Carl Sagan emphasizes that the key to survival is interaction with nature, and it is, in fact, in our nature.
  • Breakthrough technology for producing solar cells
    A small molecule when placed in the right place enables the production of energy-efficient organic solar cells, using environmentally friendly solvents. Scientists from the University of Linköping showed their record efficiency, exceeding 17%. Moreover, it is possible to produce solar cells with larger surfaces.
  • Dendrology
    From the PWN encyclopedia: dendrology is a branch of botany dealing with woody plants (trees, shrubs, dwarf shrubs, climbers with woody stems). Its scope covers all detailed scientific disciplines dealing with woody plants, including their morphology, anatomy, geography, genetics, including the practical ones, including: gardening, landscaping, forestry, landscaping and nature protection.

AURA Ochrona Środowiska (AURA Environmental Protection) - the whole list