• The decomposition of the emotional module of the quality of life - the second component "gratitude"
    The aim of this article is to recognize gratitude as another component of the emotional module of the quality of life by looking for answers to the following four important questions: what is gratitude? (that feeling or emotion); what are the related feelings of gratitude? (mutually supporting energies); what are the emotional veils of gratitude? ("Sleepers" of gratitude), and why should we be thankful? (nothing more profitable). This article, in its content and form, refers to the two previous publications (Nos. 3 and 6/2021 "Problems of Quality"), in which an attempt was made to define the emotional module and the recognition of its subsequent components was announced. Research design/research methodology/concept: The article uses, with some necessary modification of research questions, the structure of the analysis adopted in the publication on hope. This significantly increases the comparative value of this article. This is important to ensure the necessary consistency in the approach to the analysis of the concepts considered in this cycle. The recognition of the gratitude category was based on a literature review and semantic analysis of this category. Results / conclusions: The main conclusion of the article boils down to the statement that the source of gratitude lies in the emotional (spiritual) sphere and emotional logic, and the three emotional forms most frequently mentioned in psychology (affective trait, mood and emotion) can be and generally are colors ( emotional imaging) of this feeling. Thus, the psychic sphere also plays an important role here, but the true gratitude, i.e. the source of possible positive emotional states (as derivative mental states), is the feeling of gratitude, and not the independent emotional state felt in autonomy. Originality/cognitive value: The features of the cognitive novelty of this article should be primarily seen in the presented approach to the category of gratitude, based on a clear distinction between feelings and emotions, and the conclusion that despite the advancement of research in the field of psychology, there is still no clear separation between the psychological and emotional spheres. It is for this reason that a large part of this research lacks clear inspiration in reaching the essence of humanity, i.e. the sphere of feelings, and, consequently, recognizing gratitude as an emotional category.
  • Standardization in achieving the objectives of the concept of quality European Green Dea
    aim of this article was to organize the knowledge standardization in the context of implementing the concept of European Green Deal. An answer was sought to the question to what extent ISO standards can become useful in achieving the goals of sustainable development. In the article Thinking with the Life Cycle was accepted as significantly supporting such development. Research design/research methodology/concept: In order to emphasize the role of standardization as a determinant of sustainable development, its strength was emphasized through an integrated, comprehensive and coherent process impact. Research was carried out on the basis of a critical analysis of the literature on the subject and a comparative evaluation of strategies supporting sustainable development. Results/conclusions: As a result of the conducted analyzes, the importance of ISO standards in the achievement of the quality objectives of the European Green Deal concept was noticed. Support for this concept by ISO standards should mainly concern the areas of organization management and product life aspects. Practical application: In order to achieve the goals of sustainable development, it was indicated that the ISO 9004: 2018 standard is a valuable set of basic recommendations that an organization should take into account in striving to achieve lasting success. However, it was noticed that the slowdown in legislative work on the implementation of the European Green Deal concept and the implementation stages limited the research field in the field of standardization solutions. The dynamic acceleration assumed after the coronavirus epidemic will most likely result in a more complete look at the usefulness of ISO standards in the synergy of these impacts. Originality/Cognitive Value: The conclusions of the research can also be relevant in business practice, ensuring the organization that sustained success should be combined with the concept of sustainable development. The innovativeness of the article is related to the above-mentioned aspects of impacts in the area of standardization - sustainable development.
  • The role of supplier development programs in product and process improvement
    The aim of this article is to present the role of supplier development programs in product and process improvement, as well as to indicate the related benefits and barriers. Research design / research methodology / concept: The article uses the method of critical analysis of the literature on the subject, the method of synthesis and logical inference. Results/conclusions: It was found that supplier development programs are increasingly oriented towards implementing risk management concepts in order to reduce the level of quality defects or avoid the risk of delays in delivery. Effective implementation of these programs allows suppliers and recipients to improve the quality of products, shorten process cycles and reduce their costs, as well as improve mutual communication. Supplier development activities contribute to lower transaction costs related to the search for new procurement opportunities, conducting audits and other forms of evaluation, verification and qualification of suppliers. The most common barriers that can be noticed during the implementation of this type of programs include the lack of adequate resources at suppliers and too significant differences in the organizational cultures of partners. Limitations: Research may be limited by focusing on an arbitrarily selected group of scientific publications. In the future, in order to better recognize the phenomenon, the method of a synthetic literature review should be used. Practical application: The presented methodology for implementing supplier development programs can be used by enterprises in building a value chain to improve products and processes. These programs are examples of helping suppliers in the implementation of system management of quality, environment, safety and improvement tools, such as: TPS, Lean Management or Six Sigma. Originality/cognitive value: The methodology of implementing supplier development programs presented in the article may be an example of good practices in building relationships between cooperating companies.
  • Digital client of a new era - Client 4.0
    The aim of the research was to identify the role of Client 4.0, based on literature studies, and to discuss its distinguishing features, expectations and needs. In view of the growing role of the Customer Experience (CX) concept, an attempt was made to indicate its usefulness in shaping the customer experience. Research design / methodology / concept: The research was based on the studies of the available literature and conclusions. Results / conclusions: In the conditions of the digital revolution, customers 4.0, known as digital customers of the new era, have many features that distinguish them from the group of buyers. They are educated, independent, have self-esteem, become prosumers, co-create products, expect personalized products. Customer Experience is a proven tool for shaping the Customer 4.0. CX is a long-term and time-consuming building of the organizational culture. The customer's experience in CX issues and relationship management comes to the fore. Conclusion: Acquiring and maintaining a 4.0 Client and taking into account their experience in business decisions should translate into the effectiveness of business processes. Limitations: Not too many publications addressing the problem of relations between digital Client 4.0, Revolution 4.0 and the concept of CX. Future research should concern the directions of building relationships in the area of Customer 4.0, CX, Industry 4.0, Trade 4.0, Quality 4.0, Normalization 4.0, taking into account the development of new technologies and the limitations resulting from crisis situations, including a pandemic. The author carries out such research. Practical application: The research results presented in the article can be used by market research participants and production companies that are aware of the growing importance of Customer 4.0 as a new generation customer that needs to be understood, meet its requirements and expectations, and even overtake them in order to survive on the market and win against the competition. Originality / cognitive value: The research based on the analysis of the available literature indicates the current research directions related to the creation of Customer 4.0, looking for efficiency, high-quality service, taking control of a significant part of the market demand, requires keeping up with the prevailing trends in the area of new technologies. It indicates the directions of further research in the area of solutions improving relationships with digital clients in the conditions of change, risk, uncertainty, and lack of business continuity.

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