• The complexity of the social economy as a socio-economic phenomenon
    The author presents the complexity of the system of today's social economy - its definitions, reference points, role in social and economic development. It presents an overview of selected approaches to the social economy, including definitions, incl. specific to Anglo-Saxon and continental traditions. It discusses the context in which it emerged and developed as a phenomenon in the sphere of public policy and the economic sphere. Analyzes the dynamics of the development of the social economy in Poland, including institutional conditions and selected mechanisms of public management. He emphasizes that top-down initiatives - including those at the level of the central government and at the level of the EU institutions - are a key element that gives the phenomenon of the social economy dynamics in creating forms of its activity (in view of the weakness of endogenous factors). The state and local governments place it at the center of their strategies in many public policies.
  • Social economy entities in public policy
    The author devotes his text to the issues of public policy and the role of social economy entities (PES) in it. It argues in favor of the thesis that social economy entities are an important component of what can be defined as the policy capacity of the public policy system in a given country . They bring significant resources to it - intellectual, organizational, executive [financial], etc. The larger they are, the more efficient the entire system is, i.e. the ability to identify key public problems and program their solutions, implement these solutions, and the various - in terms of form - to evaluate the results of the activities carried out in public policies. It indicates that it is in the interest of the state and society to strengthen the PES sector.
  • Social economy entities in shaping social policy - various roles and areas of influence
    The author analyzes the multiplicity of roles played by social economy entities in selected sub-areas of social policy, such as support for the family and foster care, senior policy or counteracting poverty and social exclusion. The role of economic entities in programming and implementation, monitoring and evaluation of results, analysis of development challenges and scenarios or advocacy of the rights and interests of individual groups in need of support under social policy was indicated.
  • Entities of the social economy as participants in cultural policy
    Activities in the field of cultural policy are usually identified with the activities of the state and its institutions. Also, many definitions and concepts indicate this understanding of the concept. Meanwhile, the implementation of cultural policy involves - in various ways - entities belonging to all three sectors: public, private and the third sector. They participate both in the phase of designing activities, their implementation, the analysis of challenges and scenarios, as well as the evaluation of results. The aim of this article is, first of all, to present the concepts and approaches to CP, and secondly - to diagnose the areas and phases of operation of social economy entities in relation to CP.
  • Subsistence minimum in the third quarter of 2021
    The article presents the subsistence minimum estimates for the conditions in the third quarter of 2021. They take into account the scope and manner of satisfying the needs under typical conditions. Due to the lack of data on changes in household consumption in 2021, the unusual conditions of COVID-19 have not yet been taken into account. When they appear and when it is necessary to change the assumptions of the model, the value of the subsistence minimum for this period may be re-estimated. The external conditions for farms in the analyzed period were relatively favorable (falling unemployment rate to 5.6%, decreasing number of registered unemployed). Overall consumer price growth was 1%. The subsistence minimum values increased modestly: by 0.6% in households of people without children, by 0.8% among retired households, by 1.1% in a family with an older child (from 13 to 15 years old). This slight increase was due to the lower valuation of food (a decrease from 0.4% to 0.5% depending on the type of farm). The expenditure of using a flat and energy carriers - the second important category in the model - increased from 0.8% in single-person households to 1% in families of four and five.

Polityka Społeczna (Social Policy) - the whole list