• Review of new legal acts in the field of occupational medicine - November 2018 (1)
    • Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of October 30, 2018 on how to provide safe and hygienic working and education conditions at the university
    • Announcement of the Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland of October 25, 2018 regarding the publication of a uniform law on upbringing in sobriety and counter-activity to alcoholism
    • Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 31 October 2018 amending the regulation on occupational safety and health in public and non-public schools and facilities
      Regulation of the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology of October 22, 2018 on occupational health and safety when operating tower cranes and quick-assembly cranes
    • Act of 4 October 2018 amending the act on drivers of vehicles
    • Announcement of the Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland of 9 November 2018 regarding the publication of a uniform text of the Act on Medical Activities
    • Act of 9 November 2018 amending the act on medical activities and some other acts
    • Regulation of the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology of November 8, 2018 on occupational health and safety in the elimination of dangerous objects, including explosives, from metal scrap
  • Another amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Health on medical examinations of persons applying for the right to drive vehicles and drivers (4)
    In the numbers 7, 8 and 9 of the "Occupational Physician" a discussion of a number of changes to the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 17 July 2014 on medical examinations of persons applying for driving and driver rights, which were included in the regulation of the Minister of Health of 16 May 2018, item 970. subsequent amendments to the abovementioned ordinance were included in the regulation of the Minister of Health of 4 October 2018 amending the regulation on medical examinations of persons applying for driving and driving licenses.
  • Electronic sick leave (5)
    From 1 January 2016, doctors may issue electronic medical examinations, referred to as e-ZLA. Exemptions on the paper form (ZUS ZLA) may have been issued until the end of November 2018. On December 1, 2018, doctors will only issue electronic exemptions.
  • Poisoning with selenium compounds in an academic worker (8)
    In the list of occupational diseases, item 1 is acute or chronic poisoning or their consequences caused by chemical substances. What should you pay attention to when examining an employee who is suspected to have such an occupational disease? Does the lack of typical symptoms for the inhalation of chemicals exclude the recognition of an occupational disease in an employee?
  • Collision between submission of a request for a re-examination and issuing a decision on withdrawal of driving privileges despite compliance with statutory procedures (14)
    According to art. 81 of the Act on Drivers of Vehicles and the Ordinance of the Minister of Health of July 17, 2014, § 10.1 above regulations, units authorized to conduct examinations of persons referred to in art. 75, there are provincial centers of occupational medicine, appropriate for the place of residence of the examined person.

Lekarz Medycyny Pracy (Doctor of Occupational Medicine) - full list